Final Dress Rehearsal
Well this morning was the final little run through and I am delighted to say that the ensemble is playing the pants of the work. It was...

The Australian News Article Feedback
A reader of the recent Australian Weekend Review article about our project contacted me to tell me of an gallery project she curated a...

Notation and Nature 2
A little more about our discussion on notation last night over drinks... We were also talking about one of my favourite notation topics...

Notation and Nature
Last night I was having a few drinks with the other festival composers at the house and we got discussing notation. Tim Geller, a...

Great First Rehearsal
Travelled down to Bermagui yesterday for the first rehearsal. What a bunch of super musicians. They made the piece sound rich and...

Tim in Town
Tim arrived in Bermi this morning sporting a freshly minted copy of the book. Very shmick! Came out nice with the flow of the pictures...

House with a View
There are 3 composers and a Designer sharing a house in Bermagui over the week leading up to the festival. Could really get used to this...

Visiting Eucalyptus on ABC RN
Tuesday was a kind of weird day. I woke up in Sydney after a fretful night sleep. Then into the car by 7 and down to Wollongong where I...

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Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts to choose from. Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more...