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The Australian News Article Feedback

A reader of the recent Australian Weekend Review article about our project contacted me to tell me of an gallery project she curated a while back in Adelaide which explored the River Red Gum. She sent me a scan of this awesome article/review by Drusilla Modjeska called 'Dots on the Landscape' first published in the Australian Review of Books. )I will not put the whole article here as I note that it is available for a fee online and do not want to under cut someone else's copyright)... I do note however a phrase from the article where Modjeska says the following...

"Our art and literature might be full of gum trees, but day by day we hardly notice them. Is it that they are so much a part of us that we need something more dramatic to jog our attention?..."

Well I'd say yes... that helps...

But of course, as Tim and I have wondered in our book... maybe we are not able to see the trees. Maybe the artworks about these trees are also helping give our audience the apparatus to conceive of the trees.


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